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Hey. I'M Rajat.

Contemplative engineer and analyst..

Inspired by tough problems


Project 25
Project 24
Project 23
Project 22
Project 21
Project 20
Project 19
Project 18
Project 17
Project 16
Project 15
Project 14
Project 13
Project 12
Project 11
Project 10
Project 9
Project 8
Project 7
Project 6
Project 5
Project 4
Project 3
Project 2
Project 1
Project 0


The last time I sat down to really think about the most important traits I wanted to embody, I came up with empathy, accountability, and open-mindedness. But there are so many, and I'd love to hear what you think. At the middle of 2019, I didn't know where my life was going. After some serious self-reflection about my passions and interests, I committed to learning everything I could talk about Python, Machine Learning and the probleams that can be solved with technology.

I have persued my bachlor's degree in Information Technology from Cochin University. I am curious by the way human think. I also like to teach to kids about computers because I think the more we think about machines, more we think more about ourselves I want to work with the pioneers and innovators that solves probleams in creative ways.


Deeplearning Specialization
Hackthon Participation
Microsoft Badge

